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For the second group poem, I decided to take one word and one word only from each line in the original collaboration.  I chose these words by what would make the most syntactical sense, and occasionally had to modify their parts of speech.  The result is often confusing, and occasionally hilarious.  Enjoy.


Is this not I? Bells lie. Hate. Devotionals are worth no public poets. Whip your bells. Whose propaganda can big deaf schemes tell? Whenever you approach anything outside Steve, I know this – It’s down before duration. Duration – it had battlestar. Assume I’ve died. Detained, they galactifactica. You look – Gabe’s pages sent poemy time. Wow, modern collaborations made today’s playacting a crass solitude. Is crass crassness? Someone that regards sunshine calculated Jack Kerouac! So Kerouac, stop more lawyers. Intuition needs roads. However, neotheory transcriptions made divergence/convergence. omgwtfbbq – separation – sbbq. Many droll artists’ viewers barbecue freedom. Teen opera patterns like lies. Hey! A doctor, smoking judgment, has control. You worked out. How blessed I am! Worlds – coming alive. You’re Hannah. Might my splash star? Eewww. Maybe you are dust. No. Tonight, something will shock it. Poetry convention. F. Widen prevention. Contention – universe. 2+2=5 2+2=5 Look - 2+2=5 Philly: 2+2=5 2+2=5 2+2=5 You is weirdest. Magneto can mixxxxxxxmixmixmixmix. Control siremixalot! Love, NoVuS. oRdO, sEcLOruM, suck, ordo. You, stulta freud. A minimalism scroll feels conflation. That day, you laugh. Organic minimalism is 172. Patterns devour private analysis dreams. See – you can. Bernie likes good farce. You feel the dropout. My blown machine didn’t phone lies. Quasi-poetic only fans thunder. Incorrect, Nick’s word loves coven. Thinking, “DSLR.” Would fingers drop hill? Undead hands. Relentlessly 212. Homie, what response? Tru. Translation and spraying place and what’s the difference? Murder – no game. Expressive pigeon said the city – this tounge-tied show about typewriters of speed – looks to see the art. Strange typewriter sponges see worthy hammer. Pleas get time. Shakespeare scrolls beautiful. Pens, breaking. Write our beautiful gaze. At intense gazelle, I’m looking. You looking? Gaze, bathman. Spelling talented things, like speed. Goat Samba! You influence 3.33. 333, under 666, daemons. The speed discovered them. Power this penguin. Someone wash it. Remembah it? #socialmediaprobs Nose – just so weird. Embrace your you. @HelenKeller Time unplugged in fun oil. Closure versus bones. Feel appropriate choices. Dove: lyrical. Uninteresting sound. See, dirty serfbort. Pooshenpool tour need goat. Smurfy Aberforth, it’s Inception. Carl WEEslee got a awkward tongue. Where’s drunken blindness? No prodigy appreciator hangman forgot psychobabble. Odd satyr commodity opens math. Hot, appropriate cauliflower thinks about gin. You, 364, are me. Cauliflower is like a bright, bored waldeinsamkeit. The thrones silence the nightmares that I love. Submit lovely dreams to work. Tomatoes inflate XXX XIV IV. Anything prolonged = scary. Talk with eye. Stare, windows. EVIL-oution of only dad. Light and eyes is miracle. Famous, self-absorbed, introspective sinker believes. Dashes want “psst, psssssst” without all.

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